Credit history is your financial collateral

  • Credit history is your financial collateral

Credit bureaus and the role they play

Have you ever wondered what exactly a credit bureau does? This article will help you understand the role that credit bureaus play in an economy and the ways in which they can help you as a borrower.

Borrowing and credit basics

  • Borrowing and credit basics

Do you know the difference between good and bad debts!

This article will help readers differentiate between good and bad debts. It talks about the basic factors like cost, if the loan helps you build an asset, if it helps you secure your future, etc. that differentiate good debts from bad ones.

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Do you really need to borrow?
Home credit loan application journey

Do you really need to borrow?

Vidhi, Arvind’s sister, is an impulsive buyer and constantly borrows money to fulfil her needs and wants. This has strained her relationships and landed her in a debt trap which is making it harder for her to manage her finances. But Arvind helps her understand that she should only take loans when necessary

How to control your dues before it controls you?
Home credit loan application journey

How to control your dues before it controls you?

When we fall ill, we consult a doctor and make lifestyle changes. Similarly, when we fall into a debt trap, we should seek help and re-adjust our finances. In this video, Arvind introduces 5-mantras to Ravi, that’ll help him get out of debt.

What are the important factors to consider when borrowing?
Home credit loan application journey

What are the important factors to consider when borrowing?

Through this small incident from Arvind and Nisha’s life we learn that we should research well and compare deals before taking a loan, just like we browse through markets and check the quality of anything we buy – be it groceries or clothes. Arvind tells Nisha about all the important factors – like interest rate, tenure, additional fees and charges, etc. that she should check before taking a loan

Borrowing and credit basics
Home credit loan application journey

Can the borrowings be good?

Loans are not good or bad; it’s how and what we use them for that makes the difference. This is what Arvind helps Nisha understand by comparing loans with relationships. Loans should help you achieve your financial goals, but when they start straining your finances, you should step back and reconsider them


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Are you pushing yourself into a loan trap

Are you pushing yourself into a loan trap

Do you feel like you have too much debt? Are you comfortably repaying your loans? Answer a few simple questions and find out if you have more debt than you should.

Have too many borrowings? This quiz will tell you if you are in the Red

Have too many borrowings? This quiz will tell you if you are in the Red

Answer a few simple questions and find out if you can make good borrowing decisions or if you need to learn more about loans.

Do you know the right types of loans for your needs ?

Do you know the right types of loans for your needs ?

Want to test your knowledge about loans? Let’s see how many commodities you can choose the most suitable loans for.

What do your spending habits say about you

What do your spending habits say about you

This quiz will tell you what kind of financial personality you have based on your spending habits. All you have to do is answer a few simple questions.

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Mantra 2 - Find ways to make extra money

Have you ever found yourself struggling to manage your finances while repaying your debts? If yes, you may have to do more than just cutting down on unnecessary expenses. In this article, you will find how Arvind helped Ravi find extra money to pay off his debts.

Here’s how to budget to achieve your dream lifestyle

Everyone has their idea of a dream lifestyle. Follow these steps to create a budget so that you can achieve yours.

Heard of paying yourself first? – Here is why it is important

Paying yourself first ensures you always save money. Read on to understand more about what it is and how it can help you.

Here’s how couples can benefit from budgeting together

In this listicle, read about common budgeting mistakes couples make and how you can overcome them to achieve all your financial goals together.

How to figure out how much to save in an emergency fund!

If you want to save but don’t know how much to, read this infographic to choose a method that suits you best from three easy options.

How can internet banking make your life easier!

This piece takes an example from the lives of Rita and Rohan to illustrate how internet banking has made various aspects of the banking experience extremely convenient.

Myths Vs Facts on savings Bank account

You might have heard many myths about bank accounts. Read this piece to dispel those notions and understand how you can benefit from having a savings bank account.

Different types of bank accounts

Not every type of bank account is right for everyone. Read this piece to find out which one you should choose based on their pros and cons.

One vs Multiple bank accounts: What suits you best!

One cannot do without a bank account today. Find out how to decide if you need one or more based on your finances.

Why is it essential to have a bank account today!

While you might have a bank account, do you truly understand its benefits? Read on to know all the ways you can benefit from having one.

How can you protect your family with life insurance!

Sahu ji is worried about his family’s wellbeing but doesn’t have a life insurance plan yet. Arvind helps him understand why it is important to get one.

How important is it to have medical insurance!

Sameer understood the importance of having medical insurance only after getting into an accident. Here’s what you can learn from his experience.

How can insurance help you deal with emergencies!

Having an insurance plan is like having a life jacket – you won’t know how useful it is unless you really need it. Read on to understand how the most common types of insurance plans can help you.

Where to park your emergency savings!

While emergency funds are meant to be easily accessible, that doesn’t mean you should store it all in cash. Instead, follow these tips to keep them secure yet accessible.

Why is it important to have an emergency fund, How can you build one! 

An emergency fund can provide a cushion in various situations. Read on to understand why you need it, and how you can build one.

Should you save or pay off your debt!

When your finances are tight, it can be difficult to decide whether you should save or repay debt. Use these tips to manage debt, save more, and learn how to prioritize them.

Are you making these saving mistakes!

Saving money is imperative but making stupid mistakes can water down your efforts to save. Here are some common mistakes to avoid.

Where to keep your savings!

We all have different saving goals. Here’s where you should keep your savings based on the duration and nature of your goals.

How to keep your money safe from yourself!

Make your budget water-tight by using these tips to keep yourself from misspending your money.

Where can you find extra funds to save!

Every small drop makes an ocean. Similarly, every rupee you save could come to use in the future. In this article, we offer you ways to save money in the most unlikely of ways.

Right time to start saving: In your 20s or 30s!

This infographic shows when you should start saving and why through Aisha and Riya’s stories.

How to start saving money

This article talks about old and new ways of saving money. It also mentions quick tricks to save more from everyday expenses.

Why should I save money when getting loans is so easy!

While taking a loan might be an easy option, it’s not advisable to borrow unnecessarily. Learn more about benefits of saving regularly and consistently.

Questions you didn't know whom to ask about budgeting

Do you want to start budgeting but don’t understand how? We’ve answered budgeting FAQs that can help you kickstart your journey.

Teach your kids the whys and hows of money management

Responsible children grow up to be wise adults. Give your children the tools to become financially successful in the future with these tips.

10 steps that can make a big difference in your budget

Having a fool-proof budget can get you on the right financial track. Use these 10 tips to keep your finances on track.

7 Budgeting pitfalls that can push your finances off track

Feel like your budget isn’t quite working? You could be making any of the budgeting mistakes listed here. Read on to know how Seema and Uday fixed their budgets successfully.

Setting smart financial goals

It’s not just about how much you save. It’s also about how S.M.A.R.T you save. Find out what they are for you and how you can save for them.

How to plan for irregular and seasonal expenses

You may not forget about your monthly bills, but many of us often skip budgeting for occasional expenses. In this article, learn how Ravi, Riti, and Shruti found a way never to miss their irregular expenses.

Know where all your money is going before you start budgeting

Vidhi complains to Arvind that despite budgeting as he had suggested, she still isn’t saving enough. Read this comic strip to know why and how Arvind helped her find a way to save thousands of rupees!

Are you overestimating your income when budgeting!

Overestimating income is a more common mistake that you would think. In this article, we give you step-by-step guides to avoid spending with the assumption of having more money.

How to  set  goals for  effective  budgeting !


8 budgeting apps that can make money management easier

GET SMART WITH YOUR MONEY MVELOPES. It divides your expenses into separate categories or 'envelopes' and allows you to set spending limits.

9 modern ways to save money

ONLY KEEP AS MUCH CASH AS YOU NEED This will help you reduce impulsive spending and stay aware of every rupee you spend

Where to get your credit report, How to read it!

A lot of people find it difficult to understand their credit reports. This piece tell you how to read your credit report section by section and helps you understand which portions mean what, like the first portion contains personal details,the second portion reflects one;s employment details like income, the next portion has details about the loans acquired and their history, etc.

Do you know the difference between good and bad debts!

This article will help readers differentiate between good and bad debts. It talks about the basic factors like cost, if the loan helps you build an asset, if it helps you secure your future, etc. that differentiate good debts from bad ones.

Do you have everything you need to apply for a loan!

Are you planning to take a loan soon? But are you fully prepared to take the loan? Here’s a checklist you must read to make sure your loan application is processed and approved easily.

Could your decision to take another loan make you regret later!

Have you ever made an impulsive purchase and regretted later? Or fell into the trap of a promotional offer? This article tells you the important questions that you must ask before deciding to borrow money for anything.

Did you know credit scores affect your job prospects besides future borrowing!

You may have heard about credit scores if you have applied for a loan. But most of you may not know about its impact on things apart from your borrowings. This piece can help you understand other such ways in which your credit score may affect you.

How smart is it to borrow from your friends and family!

Borrowing money from loved ones may seem convenient, but it can get complicated if you don’t treat them like any other loan. Here’s a list of things you must keep in mind while borrowing money from friends and family.

What is a budget? Why is it so important!

Budgeting is the solution of most financial problems. In this listicle, learn about what budgeting is and its many benefits.

Questions you didn't know whom to ask about budgeting

Do you want to start budgeting but don’t understand how? We’ve answered budgeting FAQs that can help you kickstart your journey.

Things you should always check while borrowing money

Interest rate is what a loan company or bank charges for the loan amount they grant you. It is an important factor that determines the total cost of the loan.

Mantra 1 - Find money in your expenses

When you find yourself in a lot of debt, this first thing you should do is to reassess your budget. In this article, you will see how Ravi found money in his monthly expenses to repay some of his debts.

Is your debt controlling you? Read this to know

Debts can either help you achieve life goals sooner or pull you farther away from them. Ravi was struggling with his loans too, but Arvind told him about these 5 mantras that will help him get out of debt.

Mantra 4 - Dig into your long-term savings to secure your today

You save money to secure your future, but your present may need it more at times. Particularly when dealing with excessive debt, savings and investments can help you repay them sooner. Find out how Arvind helped Ravi identify sources of extra money to clear his debts.

Choose a systematic method to pay your debt

Arvind and Ravi are halfway through their 5 mantra plan and are meeting to discuss the third mantra - Adopt a method to pay debt systematically. Arvind helps Ravi chart out a workable method, which is best suited to his situation to pay off his debts.

How much debt is too much

We all need to borrow money at some point in our lives. But it is very important to know when to stop and reassess our finances. This article mentions indicators that can tell you if you have more debt than you can comfortably repay. 

Talk to the loan company for help

This is the last piece of the mantras series. In this piece, Arvind talks about the various ways your loan company can help in case of default. It suggests steps like contacting your lender asap and informing them about the reason for the delay, sharing your previous repayment history with them, etc. and informs you of the ways your loan company can help you deal with your debt. Then he informs Ravi about some ways his lender can help his deal with his debts.

Credit bureaus and the role they play

Have you ever wondered what exactly a credit bureau does? This article will help you understand the role that credit bureaus play in an economy and the ways in which they can help you as a borrower.

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