Looking for an instant Personal Loan?

Meet your cash needs in 3 easy steps

Why choose Home Credit

Quick & convenient
Quick &

Easy application process

Instant online approval
Instant online

Apply online and get instant approval on your loan application

Disbursal within hours
within hours

Get the loan amount transferred to your bank account within hours

No collaterals or hidden charges
No collaterals or
hidden charges

Collateral-free loan process with no hidden charges

Enjoy Home Credit’s financial assistance for all your needs

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  • Travel Loan


    When you have travel on your mind, why delay it? Avail our easy Personal Loan today, and make your vacation more comfortable

  • Medical Emergency Loan

    Medical emergency

    Be it a surgery or a regular doctor consultation, be cash-ready every time with Home Credit

  • Marriage Loan


    Bring your dream wedding to life with our quick and hassle-free Personal Loan

  • Small Business Loan

    Small business needs

    Grow your ambitions with a loan for your startup or business

  • Home Renovation Loan

    Home renovation

    Beautify your living space with a loan for essential repairs, long-due maintenance and more

  • Education Loan

    Higher studies

    When it comes to your education, don’t compromise. Avail our hassle-free Personal Loan and jump start your career today

EMI Calculator

Value-added Services

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  • Safe Pay

Opt for our Value-added Services while applying for a loan

Safe Pay

Ensure complete peace of mind with Home Credit’s Safe Pay and get amazing flexibility in EMI repayment and life cover for unforeseen circumstances

Life Cover
Payment Holiday
Free Early Repayment


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  • How To Improve Your Instant Loan Application?

    How To Improve Your Instant Loan Application?

  • How To Boost Your Chances of Instant Loan Approval?

    How To Boost Your Chances of Instant Loan Approval?

  • 8 Reasons To Apply Personal Loan From Home Credit

    8 Reasons To Apply Personal Loan From Home Credit

Watch – How to apply for Personal Loan with Home Credit

  • |
  • Get Instant Personal Loan upto ₹ 2 Lakhs from Home Credit

    Get Instant Personal Loan upto ₹ 2 Lakhs from Home Credit

  • Apply for Personal Loan for Medical Emergency upto ₹ 2 Lakhs from Home Credit

    Apply for Personal Loan for Medical Emergency upto ₹ 2 Lakhs from Home Credit

  • Apply Home Credit Personal Loan

    Apply Home Credit Personal Loan

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Personal Loan?

Personal Loan is the loan that does not require any collateral or guarantor and can be availed with minimal documentation. You can avail a Personal Loan from Home Credit India to meet your current financial needs and use it to pay for your vacation, finance a wedding, renovate your home, consolidate other loans, buy your favourite gadget or pay for any other unplanned expenses

What is the eligibility criteria for a personal loan?
What is the minimum and maximum loan amount offered by Home Credit India?
What will be tenure for availing Personal Loan?
What documents are required to apply for a Personal Loan?
What is the procedure to apply?
Can I select the loan amount and tenure of my loan?
Do I have to pay any additional charges for Personal Loan?
Can I get a top-up loan on my existing Personal Loan?
How can I find the status of my personal loan application?
What are the Value Added Services available with Personal Loan?
Is it mandatory to take Value Added Service with the loan?
easy loans home credit