Save, save and save

Where can you find extra funds to save!
  • Managing Money

Where can you find extra funds to save!

Every small drop makes an ocean. Similarly, every rupee you save could come to use in the future. In this article, we offer you ways to save money in the most unlikely of ways.

How to start saving money
  • Managing Money

How to start saving money

This article talks about old and new ways of saving money. It also mentions quick tricks to save more from everyday expenses.

Right time to start saving: In your 20s or 30s!
  • Managing Money

Right time to start saving: In your 20s or 30s!

This infographic shows when you should start saving and why through Aisha and Riya’s stories.

Why should I save money when getting loans is so easy!
  • Managing Money

Why should I save money when getting loans is so easy!

While taking a loan might be an easy option, it’s not advisable to borrow unnecessarily. Learn more about benefits of saving regularly and consistently.

9 modern ways to save money
  • Managing Money

9 modern ways to save money

ONLY KEEP AS MUCH CASH AS YOU NEED This will help you reduce impulsive spending and stay aware of every rupee you spend

How to keep your money safe from yourself!
  • Managing Money

How to keep your money safe from yourself!

Make your budget water-tight by using these tips to keep yourself from misspending your money.

Are you prepared for all emergencies

How important is it to have medical insurance?

How important is it to have medical insurance!

Sameer understood the importance of having medical insurance only after getting into an accident. Here’s what you can learn from his experience.

Plan your money

Setting smart financial goals

Setting smart financial goals

It’s not just about how much you save. It’s also about how S.M.A.R.T you save. Find out what they are for you and how you can save for them.

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